Lyft Driver Bobblehead Fired

Person gets Lyft driver fired because they don't like his Hawaiian bobble-head doll.

An embarrassing video has emerged purporting to show a woman berating a Lyft driver for having a 'racist' bobblehead doll of a Hawaiian woman on his dash, and threatening to have him fired. The special snowflake DEMANDED that the driver to take down the bobblehead because it was “deeply offensive,” despite Nielsen being a white woman and not being that of Hawaiian heritage. She said she would give the driver a one-star rating and then threatened that she would do even worse.

Who’s ready to hear some crazy ranting from a virtue signaling social justice warrior? It’s so amazingly off the rails and preposterous that it is actually quite entertaining. This SJW is quickly triggered and completely “offended” when she gets into a Lyft car and sees a…


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There was a small Hawaiian hula bobblehead on the vehicle’s dashboard.


Annaliese Nielsen is the poor, poor woman who had to be subjected to such horrors. Nielsen is the founder of “Girls Night In,” which the Daily Wire describes it as:

“A secretive and selective women’s community which she described to ABC News as an exclusive online sorority. Apparently, these women enjoy going out, having a few cocktails, and then hunting for males who will undoubtedly offend them in some SJW rage-inducing way.”

Rebel Media commentator Lauren Southern was given the video by an anoynmous source and uploaded the hilarious/sad video with her commentary. The actual enraging encounter begins at the 55-second mark.

Lyft Driver Bobblehead Fired Meme

Nielsen was triggered by the plastic doll and immediately berated the driver by saying that he was appropriating Hawaiian culture with the doll.

Annaliese begins the verbal assault with this gem, “You thought that adorable, you didn’t think about the pillaging of like the continent of Hawai?”

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For those fellow individuals who passed 4th grade geography, you know that Hawaii is a chain of islands and the 50th state of the U.S., but it is not a continent. Far from it.

The driver defended himself by saying that he had no idea the harmless doll was offensive or was stealing Hawaiian culture. He said he bought it at the Goodwill Store because he liked it. That was not the correct answer according to Nielsen.

The special snowflake DEMANDED that the driver to take down the bobblehead because it was “deeply offensive,” despite Nielsen being a white woman and not being that of Hawaiian heritage. She said she would give the driver a one-star rating and then threatened that she would do even worse. She laughingly bullies the driver by saying, “You’re going to be on Gawker.”

The jokes on you Annaliese because Gawker no longer exists. It was shut down on August 22 after they were bought by Univision.

She said that the driver will be all over the internet because of his perceived insensitivity and people will even be making memes of him. Yeah, that didn’t happen. Instead, everyone is laughing at Annaliese.

She said the doll “affects her life.”

It doesn’t.

Lyft Driver Bobblehead Fired Suspended

At all.

The driver happily suggests that he drop her off immediately, which makes perfect sense since she is overwhelmingly “offended.”

Despite just meeting her driver minutes ago, Annaliese made assumptions of the man because she thought he was a white male, when actually he is part Asian. She calls the man “extremely entitled.” You know those damn Lyft drivers, who most likely work a day job and then chauffeur around obnoxious and drunk asswipes at night to make extra money, they’re always so fucking entitled.

She then calls him a “selfish dumbass idiot,” because she is so incredibly tolerant and understanding. The definition of bigot says, “a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions.” Demanding someone remove their property in their own car seems like someone who is intolerant towards those holding different opinions.

At this point, the driver has had enough and tells her that he is dropping her off. She demands to know the driver’s name and he refuses, which is perfectly within reason because she’s not the police and he committed no wrongdoing. She finally gets out and the driver wisely speeds away from the nutcase.

When you do a Google Search of “Hawaiian Bobblehead” there are various results, mostly females wearing grass skirts and leis who are playing the ukelele. But there was also male Hawaiian bobbleheads. There’s a Hawaiian-themed Elvis Presley in the results. There’s several Barack Obama bobbleheads, to celebrate our current President of the United States who was born in Honolulu, Hawaii. There’s even an adorable Hello Kitty Hawaiian bobblehead and Olaf from Frozen.

Maybe more offensive than Annaliese’s ability to be “offended” by a bobblehead is her atrocious vocal fry and that she uses the word “like” so often it was as if she was getting paid to do so.

Lyft Driver Bobblehead Fired Salary

It seems as though Annaliese’s plans of being a social justice warrior backfired and it was a fail of continental proportions.

This is for you Annaliese. Stay triggered.

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© Provided by WOIO Cleveland Cynthia Norman poses for a photo after being attacked while she was driving a Lyft

CLEVELAND, Ohio (WOIO) - A Lyft driver has been fired by the ridesharing service after she admitted to firing her legally-owned and licensed gun during an attempted carjacking.

Lyft Driver Bobblehead Fired Stats

Cynthia Norman said she picked up a pair of young men — likely in their 20s — at an apartment complex in Cleveland’s Nottingham neighborhood around 1:00 a.m. Sunday.

As she arrived at the destination, the NEO Sports Plant, formerly known as the Euclid Sports Plant, she became concerned as it appeared the facility was closed.

That’s when the ride turned violent.

“I had to fight with these two men. I had one choking me from the back,” Norman told 19 News.

Norman said the other passenger, breaking Lyft’s COVID-19 protocol, insisted on sitting in the front seat.

She said he started punching her in the face as the man in the backseat choked her.

She was driving a rental car and refused to back down.

“They didn’t know I was going to fight back,” she said.

Norman told 19 News she then grabbed her gun from the center console and started shooting.

The two men fled on foot, leaving behind the cell phone they stole from her.

It’s unclear if they were wounded.

Norman drove to the 5th district police station and reported the incident.

According to a police report obtained by 19 News, the men are facing attempted kidnapping and attempted aggravated robbery charges.

No arrests have been made.

Their Lyft profile didn’t offer any clues as to their identity, as they used the name, “NBA” and did not provide a picture.

It’s unclear if any surveillance video was captured during the incident.

Thankful she’s okay, Norman is frustrated that her supplemental income has been taken away by Lyft, which has a zero-tolerance policy for drivers carrying weapons -- even if they’re legally carried.

“What if you’re getting attacked? What are you supposed to do then?” she wondered.

A spokesperson for Lyft told 19 News the company stands by its decision.


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