Black Jack Hand

  1. Blackjack Hand Chart
  2. Blackjack Hand Signals
  3. Soft Hand Blackjack
  4. Black Jack Handbook

Howmany cards are dealt per hand?

Blackjack Hand Chart

Blackjack hands per hour

The books tell us that the average hand in Blackjack (includingthe dealer hands) contains about 2.7 cards. I thought I would lookat this a bit further. We always temper this estimate by sayingthat the number of players can affect the average because the dealerand players play differently. So, I first looked at the effect ofnumber of players. This chart shows the number of cards used bythe dealer for 1 to 5 players in orange. (Six decks, H17, nDAS,Basic Strategy.) With one player, the dealer averages 2.78 cardsper round. This increases to 2.91 cards per round with two players.This is because the dealer does not need to finish his hand if theplayers all bust or receive a Blackjack, and the more players thereare the less likely this will occur. As additional players are added,the cards used by the dealer continue to increase - but nearly theentire increase is seen going from one player to two players. Thecards used by the player is about 2.71 per round. The players usefewer cards, even though the player can split, because the dealerhits all stiffs. And unfortunately there are a lot of stiffs. Thegreen bars display the overall cards per person (dealer and player)per round. This changes less by number of players than one mightthink. This is because the cards per round increases from one totwo players because of the increase in dealer cards, but then decreasesas additional players are added and the lower number of cards usedby players brings down the overall average.

Blackjack Hand Signals


I would have included charts showing the impact on these statsof different numbers of decks, different rules, different strategiesand dealer peek vs. dealer no peek, but it turns out that the numbersbarely change.

Soft Hand Blackjack

A natural blackjack is only 4.8%, which essentially is an ace dealt with a ten card straight off the initial deal. Normally the odds are 3 to 2 and you would win $3 for every $2 wagered. It's a small percentage but it's the most desirable hand to get. The lowest hand you can get is two points (two aces). How to Play Blackjack - Learn basic blackjack rules in this simple step-by-step guide to playing. Discover how to bet and improve your odds of winning!

Black Jack Handbook

Blackjack Hand Signals. Check out the Vegas Blackjack Hand Signals in motion here! Badly used blackjack hand signals are a perfect way to lose big at the tables, so before you head to the casino, take careful note of the different black jack hand gestures used in the game to avoid running into problems. Black Jack Boot Company Black Jack Boots are handmade in El Paso, Texas by master craftsmen without compromise to quality of material or time required. Black Jack boots are world renown for their exceptional styling, particularly their hand-tooled boots, and a fit indicative of the premium boots that they are. You can only improve the hand. This is because in blackjack an ace can be counted as one or eleven. When you are dealt a soft hand at the blackjack table, the dealer will speak of your hands as “3 or 13, 4 or 14, 5 or 15,” etc. When telling you your total before you act.