Card Counting Practice

Card counting practice program

The Red 7 Card Counting System offers blackjack players something that is rarely found among card counting methods today. It combines simplicity with professional-level efficiency. Anyone familiar with basic blackjack strategy and the general rules of card counting can, with a minimum of practice, master the Red 7 card counting method. Card Counter will teach you everything you need to know about card counting without having to enroll at MIT. FEATURES:. Fun and exciting game based on real Blackjack card counting techniques.

As with anything you want to be proficient at, it requirespractice. Card counting is noexception. While it is definitely notillegal, casinos don’t like it to be used because it absolutely allows theplayer to win more and lose less.

To use it effectively, you have to make sure your usage isnot detectable! Card counters have to becool, calm and collected, so the pit bosses don’t start keying on youractivities. You want to practice untilthe process becomes second nature to you.

Free Card Counting Practice

How To Practice

Fortunately, it’s as simple as grabbing a deck of cards andcounting through the entire deck, one card at a time. Using the simple Hi-Lo method, as you countthrough the 52 cards (jokers removed), your final count should be 0.

Your goal should be to get faster each time through. The expert card counters are able to getthrough a deck in less than 30 seconds.

Speed Counting

The difference between professional card counters andbeginners, is the expert’s ability to count cards in groups, as opposed tocounting each card individually.

What Is Card Counting

Because cards are generally grouped in pairs as you look ata blackjack table, it should be your goal to look at a pair and immediately knowthat value. For instance, if you see aJack and a 3, you should automatically think “0” instead of “-1” and “+1”, =“0.” Learn to recognize low cards(2’s-6’s) and 10-value cards cancel each other to 0. In the same vein, with 2 low cards,immediately think “+2,” and with 2 10-value cards, think “-2.” Being able to look at 2 cards at once andhave a count, will dramatically increase your counting speed.


You want to practice your card counting with as many distractions as you can possibly create, because casinos will have many distractions. Just the noise alone in a casino can make card counting difficult.

The casino atmosphere can work a little in your favor as well, because if you can maintain your cool and keep a running count of the cards on the table, without a pit boss becoming suspicious, more power to you! You want to be focused, but not “look” focused on the cards dropping on the table.

You want to be able to take only a second to look at cardsand a get a count in your head. If youcan only count by intently staring and doing the math in your head, you will becaught by a pit boss and kindly asked to leave the table. Learn to count with just a peek at the cardsand do the math in your head while looking away from the table.

Online Practice

Finally, there are many online simulators that will help youincrease your card counting speed and accuracy. These are effective ways to truly test how fast you are atcounting. You may have gotten very goodat challenging yourself with hand dealing to yourself, but rest assured, it’smore difficult with the online simulators and therefore great practice.

I like and the free counter just to name a couple of trainers. All you need to do is a google search for card counting simulators tofind one that you’ll like.

Many people don’t try card counting because they feel it’stoo difficult. That’s not true! All it takes is practice, practice, practice.

It takes a lot of practice because the hardest part of cardcounting for blackjack, is doing it calmly enough so that you’re not caughtdoing it. Remember, it’s not illegal, soyou won’t get arrested, you’ll just be asked to not come back.

The best way to stay calm about it is to know it so well, thatit’s like second nature to you and you can count without batting an eye. That just takes practice!