Best Way To Win Roulette Machine

Casino games appeal to a percentage of the population that sees any game involving prizes as a challenge. People who think they can win at roulette using a secret system are the same sort of people who buy lottery systems. Winning at roulette requires nothing more than luck. There’s no sure way of winning at roulette.

Roulette Winning Strategies

Easiest way to win money on roulette be the weakest card).Need to be sure which is the standard and which easiest way to win money on roulette is the exception ThanksVote Up0Vote Down Reply3 years agoKen SmithI have seen the behavior you describe in online casinos, but I have never seen it dealt that way in any land-based casino. Place a dollar each on both red and black and start with two dollars on green zero. Double the amount of bet on green zero after every 10 trials and you would encounter zero within first 60-70 trials you would end roulette every time with a profit. I always do 70 trials on zero and double the bet after every 10 trials.


Roulette is a negative expectation game. That means that over time, if you play long enough, you will lose money. All casino games, roulette included, stack the odds against the players. They do this by making sure they pay out at odds that don’t equal your odds of winning. For example, a bet on a single number at the roulette table pays out at 35 to 1. That sounds like a large win, but since the odds of winning are 37 to 1, the player is getting the worst of it.

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This is why roulette winning strategies, the kind advertised in eBooks and on sham roulette advice websites, always fail in the long run. The casino makes its money back thanks to the built-in advantage of the rules of roulette.