Best Bet On Roulette

Roulette is one of the most popular table games in modern casinos. Although variations on the game have been around for several hundred years, there are now only 3 variations in American casinos.

You’re likely already familiar with American roulette and European roulette. The most recent addition to the table game inventory is Sands Roulette.

Which of these games should you play?

With this bet, there is a 2:1 payout, the same as standard dozen bets. The snake bet will be placed by placing the chips on the lower corner of 34 on the table. Since there are many betting options in roulette, players need to know what eh best bets are for winning and preserving the bankroll. The best bet in roulette is on a European roulette table which offers the en prison option. This reduces the house edge by half again, making it only 1.35%. Here’s how it works: On a European roulette game with the en prison rule in effect, your even money bet becomes “imprisoned” when the ball lands on the zero.

How should you bet on them?

What’s the smartest strategy for roulette betting?

I’ll explain all that in this post:

What Are the Differences between American, European, and Sands Roulette?

Although these games have a few other differences, the most significant distinction between the 3 versions of roulette are the number of green slots the wheels contain.

Every roulette wheel has at least 37 slots.

36 of those slots are always numbered 1 to 36, and they’re alternately colored RED or BLACK.

The additional slots are green.

In European roulette there is only one green slot, the “0”.

In American roulette there are two green slots: “0” and “00”.

In Sands roulette a third green slot, “S”, has been added to the wheel.

The green slots are there for one reason:

They make the game’s statistical probabilities uneven.

This is because of the way roulette bets are paid off. You can win anywhere from 35-to-1 (for betting on a single number) down to 1-to-1 (for betting on 18 slots at a time).

The payoffs, called “odds”, are not as fair to you as the actual estimated probabilities of the roulette ball landing on any given slot. This is how the casino makes its money.

In a game of roulette the house should keep at least 2.70% of all the bets players make over time. The casino has no need to cheat the players. In fact, the players often make really bad bets that improve the “house edge”, as that casino profit is called.

One of the other differences between European roulette and both American and Sands roulette is that the European roulette table has an additional betting area. This secondary betting area is used to place specially designed bets. They are more complicated than the normal bets made in American and Sands roulette. I’m going to ignore this section of the table, because I’m going to show you how to place bets that have the best chances of paying off.

Is There a Winning System for Roulette?

Roulette Betting Strategy

Everyone who gets into roulette sooner or later starts to think about how they can “beat the system”.

I’m going to be honest here:

There is no way to do that.

The green slots on the wheel make it impossible for anyone, anywhere, to ever design a betting system that is guaranteed to win. If you really want to guarantee yourself a win every time, then put a chip on each of the 2-to-1 outside bets and on each of the green number bets.

That’s the only way you’ll be paid money every time the wheel spins.

You’ll also go broke.

You may have heard about a system called the Martingale System. It’s a popular betting system with new roulette players.

Experienced roulette players just turn their heads and roll their eyes when someone mentions the Martingale System. The only way you can make money with the Martingale System is to write a book about it and get people to buy your book.

Even that’s a gamble, though, because most people now know that the Martingale System promises more than it delivers.

Here’s how this system works:

You start out betting the minimum. If you lose, you double your bet. If you win on your doubled bet, you go back to betting the table minimum. If you lose again, you double the size of your bet again.

This sounds great to inexperienced bettors but the problem is that you’ll either run out of money or hit the table limit before you can recoup your losses as they add up.

The Martingale System is a sucker bet, plain and simple.

Every betting system in every form of gambling tries to leverage probability theory. The Martingale System and other roulette betting strategies also rely on probability estimates.

But there’s a flaw in the thinking behind these systems. If you account for the flaw you’ll be okay. You won’t always win but your expectations will be more reasonable.

The secret to not going broke when you gamble is to set reasonable expectations and maintain your self-discipline. You should never drink or take drugs when you gamble. They lower your inhibitions and impair your judgment.

You might as well just hand your money over to the casino at the cashier window and say “keep it” if you’re going to drink or do drugs when you gamble.

How Do Probabilities Work in Roulette?

Probability theory came out of statistics. It tries to give us rules by which to guess what happens next in any situation. The guesses are seldom accurate predictions. Sometimes the guesses work out, and sometimes they don’t. Gamblers love probability theory because they think it helps them pick the best betting strategies.

You’re actually more likely to double your money during a roulette session if you put all your money on a single bet. The more bets you place, the less likely it becomes to double your money.

That’s because every bet brings you close to the long term expectations. The closer you are to the short term, the more likely you are to get better than expected results.

In roulette, the probabilities are simple. The dealer spins the wheel and releases a ball that whirls around the outside of the wheel and finally settles in a slot. With only 37 slots on a European roulette wheel you have a 1-in-37 probability of the ball landing on a specific slot.

This probability never changes.

Best Bet On Roulette Table

This probability is calculated on the basis of all the known possibilities.

What probability theory cannot do, however, is predict where the ball will stop.

Nor can it predict whether the ball will land on red, black, or green any number of times over the next 100 spins.

Nonetheless, a lot of gambling guides tell you that you have the best chances of winning if you do this because of such-and-such probabilities. And many of these guides warn you that there is no way to predict the future, but by setting the expectation that the ball will land on red about 47% of the time, these guides are making predictions and promises they cannot keep.

They’ll even back up their claims by talking about how to run computer simulations for 1 million spins of the wheel so that you see how often the ball lands on red, black, or green.

In the real world the Probability Fairy is always on vacation. She’ll never be there to wave her magic wand to make things happen the way experts say they should. The ball could land on red over the next 20 spins. Or it could land on black or green or some random mix of color combinations.

You have no way of knowing how many of the next [X] spins will turn out a certain way. Talking about probabilities in this way is just dishonest.

What you can do is look at the wheel and ask yourself how much it costs to bet on the largest possible set of numbers. The idea here is to get as much coverage as you can without losing money too fast.

But even if you cover every number on the wheel you’ll lose money.

So the only way to win in roulette–and this is completely random, never guaranteed–is to bet on less than all the numbers on the wheel.

You also want to play bets that pay better than even money. You can place a variety of bets, but most of them aren’t worthwhile.

Betting on single numbers is a bad idea. You can place bets on the lines between the numbers (these are called “street bets”) and on lines at the corners of numbers (these are called “corner bets”).

But even though you get pretty good odds (payoff) you’re still covering too few numbers.

How Bets Work in Roulette

Divide the bets into two groups:

  1. Inside bets
  2. Outside bets

Inside bets are based on individual numbers or small groups of numbers. When you see players betting on the lines, corners, and individual numbers on the table they are making inside bets.

Outside bets are based on pre-selected groups of numbers on the wheel. The “2-to-1” bets cover 12 numbers each: 1 to 12, 13 to 24, and 25 to 36. The “1-to-1” or “even money” bets cover 18 numbers each:

  • Odd
  • Even
  • Black
  • Red
  • 1 to 18
  • 19 to 36

The bets more likely to pay are the even money bets.

But unless you can win 5 times out of 9 on even money bets you’ll lose your stake. That’s the problem with roulette. You always have to win at least 1 more time than you lose no matter how you place your bets.

The “2 to 1” bets pay better than the “1 to 1” bets because they cover fewer numbers. You have less of a chance of winning.

There are 6 types of “2 to 1” bets:

  • 3 kinds of dozens bets: (1 to 12, 13 to 24, and 25 to 36)
  • 3 kinds of columns bets: ([1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, 28, 31, 34], [2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23, 26, 29, 32, 35], [3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36]).

You can make a bet by betting on any two of the “2 to 1” groups. That means that instead of covering only 18 numbers you’ll be covering 24 numbers.

This type of bet is often called the “double dozen” bet. It’s popular among gamblers who like to hedge their bets. They have a better chance (all other things considered) of scoring a win with a “double dozen” than with one of the standard even money bets. If you’re playing it safe and going for even money odds, you should always play a double dozen bet.

If you want to bet more aggressively, then instead of betting more money on your double dozen, you can cover all 36 of the red and black numbers. Leave the green numbers alone. Yes, they’ll come in every now and then, and you’ll lose money.

But there’s a way to keep your losses low.

How to Bet on Columns or Dozens Aggressively

Take 6 chips and distribute them across EITHER the three dozen bets or the three column bets.

Place 3 chips on 1, 2 chips on the 2nd, and 1 chip on the 3rd. If the ball lands on a green number you’ll lose your entire bet, so always play the table minimum with this aggressive style.

If the ball lands on any number with your single chip bet, you’ll win 2 chips and lose 5–for a net loss of 3 chips (half your bet).

That’s the safest way to bet aggressively on the table.

If the ball lands on any number in your 2 chip bet you’ll win 4 chips and lose 4 for no loss. This keeps you in the game.

If the ball lands on any number in your 3chip bet, you’ll win 6 chips and lose 3 for a net gain of 3 chips. This will offset 1 single chip win.

The way this betting strategy works out, your money can grow substantially and still take some big hits. Where the strategy will fail you is when the ball lands on green or if the ball lands on the single chip bet more often than it lands on the 3 chip bet.

Sorry, but there’s no way to prevent that from happening.

There Is No Guaranteed Way to Win in Roulette

I can’t say this often enough:

You can’t win at roulette in the long run.

I think roulette is a fun game to play. It’s exciting because you don’t know where the ball will land. You take an active role in making your wagers.

And you’ll find there are a lot of different betting systems to experiment with. The only thing that is guaranteed in roulette is that the casino will make a profit. What you hope for is that they make their profit at someone else’s expense.

Players who try to improve their luck by making big bets do sometimes win, but most often the people who come out ahead are the patient players who use conservative betting strategies and take money off the table. If you only walk away with your beginning stake you’ll be luckier than most gamblers.

And you can take that to the bank.

In your search for the best roulette casino in 2021, there are a few important aspects to keep in mind. This selection and analysis will help ensure that the site you choose is best for you.

What are the Top Roulette Casinos Online?

What is considered as the best roulette casino is subjective to each player’s preferences. It usually depends on one or more of the following factors :

Best Roulette Numbers To Bet

  • A casino that offers a big bonus
  • The ‘real casino feel’
  • The ability to play with live dealers
Best Roulette Sites
RankRoulette SiteRatingOfficial Link
1bet365 casino9.6See Bonus
2888Casino9.6View Bonus
3Mansion9.5Get Bonus
4BGO9.5BGO Bonus
5Bovada (US only)9.5See Bonus
6LeoVegas9.5See Bonus

(Updated February 2021)

One thing is for sure, you should start by only playing at roulette casinos that are regulated and licensed. They should be in a jurisdiction that allows online casino games to ensure your money is safe.

Don’t be persuaded by huge bonus offers from casinos you’ve never heard of without checking out reviews first! We’ve tips on how to play the game here.

This article will save you some work. We’ve judged the casinos that offer roulette by a number of criteria including security, software, games offered, and customer service.

We have searched high and low for the best roulette casinos, and tested a huge number of them along the way. The following make our shortlist:

Top Roulette Sites for US Players 🇺🇸

When it comes to finding the best roulette for US players, Bovada Casino really is head and shoulders above the competition. With up to $3,000 in casino welcome bonuses (18+T&Cs apply), the highest credit card acceptance rates of any US casino and best-in-class customer service and roulette software, it should be your number one choice. Their software works on PC, Mac, and all mobile devices. With the ever-changing laws in the US regarding which states are accepting players from which operators, it is well worth checking to see if you are eligible to play here by visiting the site:

  • US Players Allowed
  • Real Time Gaming Software
  • Licensed and Regulated

Unfortunately, the rest of the casinos listed on this page don’t accept players from the USA.

Overall Best Roulette Casino for 2021

888Casino.This globally renowned brand that has been in business since the 1990s is listed on the London Stock Exchange. It offers players the best in traditional roulette as well as live dealers and the latest & greatest 3D games.


The roulette variants on offer include French roulette which offers the best value to the player of any roulette variant.

888 is fast becoming one of the world’s most popular gaming brands. A quick look around their site will show you that they offer live roulette games with real croupiers 24×7.

They provide players with slick proprietary software that loads quickly in both versions – instant and downloadable. This gives that real casino ‘feel’ with a certified 97.43% payout percentage.

The roulette games at 888 are fully compatible with all desktop PCs (Windows, Mac et al). They also offer all of their games for mobile and tablet devices.

When it comes to bonuses, 888 have tailored some nice offers in the past. It’s well worth checking out their site for the most current (see the link below which takes you there).

A huge number of payment options such as Visa and MasterCard debit cards, bank cheques and wire transfers are offered. Also, the following e-wallets can be used – WebMoney, Moneybookers (Skrill), PayPal and Neteller.

We think that 888 has all that you could possibly want in an online casino. If you’re only going to create an account at one site, our call would be to make it this one. It’s the casino that offers the best online roulette games around at the moment, by far.

  • Globally Recognised
  • Recurring Bonuses
  • Poker and Sports Betting
  • Proprietary Software
  • Mobile Casino
  • Live Dealer Games

Best Roulette Casino Software

Mansion Casinois one of the oldest and most trusted names in online gaming; They run a fantastic line-up of roulette variants.

Their casino comes in both instant play and downloadable versions which run on a notoriously reliable software platform. They also have an excellent mobile app allowing you to play roulette on the go.

You can even play games with live croupiers via video link. All of these features mean they get the nod as our number one for slick and realistic software for playing roulette online.

In terms of cashier options, it’s not limited to just debit cards. Bitcoin, eWallets like Skrill and Neteller, vouchers like UKash and Paysafe Card are accepted. UK-based players can now deposit and withdraw through PayPal.

If you become a regular player you might even be treated to VIP trips; These have been to football matches, live casinos, and more.

The online casino (like all should be) is protected with SSL encryption which safeguards the personal and financial data of the players. Don’t go anywhere near one that doesn’t have this in place. Mansion has a dedicated customer service team that can be contacted through live chat or e-mail 24/7.

  • UK Licensed
  • Massive Bonus
  • Powered by Playtech
  • Great VIP System

Best Range of Roulette Games

LeoVegas Casino: Once the relative newcomers to the online casino world, LeoVegas certainly made a big initial splash. Now they’re very much an established player in the market.

To achieve this, they have gone to great lengths to bring their players all of the best games out there. When it comes to the best roulette casinos, you’ll find no less than 27 variants to play there. Yes, TWENTY SEVEN!

They take all of the usual deposit methods, and they’re licensed in the UK and in Malta. Even if you’re not sure, LeoVegas lets you try all of their games for free without even having to sign up, which is a really nice touch.

After years of making waves in the industry, it’s one of the best roulette casinos to open an account with; Especially if you would like to try different variants of the game.

  • Mobile Specialists
  • Biggest Range of Games
  • Highest Paying Slots
  • Award Winning

Best Customer Service

Bet365 Casino: We think that Bet365 is a really top-notch roulette casino, and part of one of the biggest online gaming brands in the world. We like that it is licensed in the UK with 24/7 support via international freephone whenever we’ve needed it (not often) and live chat as well as email.

We also really like that the site offers several variations of roulette in both downloadable and Instant Play software versions; In particular the increasingly popular live dealer roulette games – with a sleek mobile app for playing roulette on the go.

The graphics and audio at Bet365 are clear and crisp and we love the smooth animations. Again, with a licensed and regulated gaming brand, you’ll have a host of payment options.

This includes debit cards, wire transfers and, of course, e-wallets as well as many more. You’ll also be able to bet on sports and play poker, bingo, and the financial markets all with the same account.

We’ve used a lot of casinos over the years and in our experience, bet365 casino customer support really is second to none. They really do go the extra mile.

If you watch the video below, you will be able to see me playing French roulette on bet365 casino; This should give you a pretty good idea of what it’s like.

  • Wide Variety
  • Great Service
  • Payment Options

Best Live Roulette

When it comes to live roulette, the classic casino game has become quite a standard offering.

However, some operators have made it their specialty and we particularly like the way that BGO Casino has set things up right from the moment you enter the lobby. Once you are there, you’ll be able to select from Playtech-powered live roulette tables ranging from Speed Roulette, Slingshot Roulette and the ‘premium’ Grand Roulette.

To top this, you can try your luck on BGO Prime Roulette which is a European roulette table designed exclusively for BGO players. It features a clear view of the roulette wheel and zooms in on it when the ball is in play. It’s the next best thing to being there!


Best Roulette Casinos: What you Should Know

Roulette, meaning ‘little wheel’ in French, is a casino table game where you can place bets. These can be on any of these featured on the wheel:

  • single numbers
  • multiple numbers
  • black or red
  • even or odd numbers

At online casinos, the game is offered in two formats. These are the software-generated version and one that features live dealers on video streams.

Personally, my preference is the live dealer format myself, as I like the fact that it’s so much more realistic.

Main Roulette Variants

There are two major types of roulette – American and European. The wheel in the American roulette game has numbers from 1-38 and the European roulette has 1-36 in either red or black. The number 00 is included in the American version and not in the European version.

If you’re planning on playing at roulette casinos, you should opt for a site that offers the European version. This is nothing to do with being patriotic if you are from the US. It’s just common sense to help you have a better chance of winning.

As it has a reduced house advantage, the game of European roulette increases your chances of winning. You’ll come across some wacky variants online such as Mini Roulette and things like Double Bonus Spin Roulette.

However, for the most part, the classic European roulette game gives you the best chance of winning.

Live Roulette Casinos

If you like to play roulette for real money and cannot make it to a land-based casino, then you can opt to play at roulette casinos that offer what’s known as ‘live roulette’. This format is different from the online roulette that is offered at most casinos.

The live roulette features a human croupier at an actual roulette table that can be viewed on your computer screen. They basically live stream the session to you. The croupier is often a young woman with an eastern European accent in the majority of times that I’ve played.

You won’t be playing the game against the site’s random number generator but against a real wheel. You will be alongside other players who are also online and virtually ‘sat’ at the table alongside you.

The environment provided by this roulette format is unparalleled as you will not be watching graphics but a real video where the dealer will be taking your bets and spinning the wheel.

The main advantage of live dealer roulette at online casinos is that it offers an actual roulette-playing environment similar to that in a real casino. What’s more, instead of making your way down to a casino for the thrill of playing roulette and the social interaction with other players, you can enjoy the excitement of the game from the comfort of your home.

Some online casinos have also installed a live-chat feature in these games; These allow you to send messages to the croupier and to other players. This adds another dimension to make the whole thing more sociable.

Roulette Casino Betting Options

A roulette table can be a confusing thing when you first see it. There are a lot of places to put your chips! We’ve made a handy guide (see graphic below) that shows you all of the different betting options that are available.

Whether you want to play it safe and go for small wins by betting on red or black or go for the big payday by going straight-up on single numbers, is completely up to you!

Choice of Software

Select an online casino that offers you a choice of the best roulette software – Instant Play/Flash version and downloadable version. The Instant Play or Flash versions allow you to access roulette games quickly. You just have to select the instant play icon to start playing roulette.

One of the benefits of selecting the version is that you will not have to wait for the software to download to your computer. Also, you will not have to worry about the compatibility of the software with your PC or Mac’s operating system when you use the flash version.

By opting for the downloadable version, you will be able to play the game on your computer whenever you want. You will not have to log on to the site each time and select the Instant Play option to start playing online roulette at a casino.

Roulette Betting Systems

Something that you might come across when you read about roulette are these so-called ‘systems’ that are designed to help you make a profit. The most popular one is something called the Martingale system and it’s fun to think about.

The Martingale system basically works as follows for roulette: You pick red or black and bet $1 on it. Should you win, great, you then bet another dollar on the next spin. If you lose, you double your previous bet in the hope that you can recover the loss from the last time. If you happen to lose again, you double your bet again! Confused yet? Let me give you an example to help:

Let’s say that you bet on red and it loses 5 times in a row. The first time you bet $1, then $2, then $4, then $8, and finally $16. Your total outlay so far is $31. Next spin you bet $32 and red comes in. You get your $32 back and you also win enough to have covered your previous 5 bets with $1 profit left over. Sweet!

There’s a problem, though. What happens if you go on some kind of freakish run where black comes up 10 times in a row? Now you’re in the uneasy position of having to bet $2048 on the next spin if you want to continue the system.

Even if you have a bankroll big enough, it’s often the case that the table will have a maximum bet so you won’t be able to continue the system. In reality, I’m afraid none of these systems give you an advantage over the house.

You should steer clear of them at all costs. Please heed my advice on this one, you will not regret it.

Roulette Casino FAQs

Still unsure about playing roulette? We’ve compiled a list of the most commonly asked questions in our inbox from players new to online gaming and to roulette. They should address any additional questions that you may have about playing online at the best roulette casinos.

🏆 Which Roulette Casino is Best Overall?

We think that it has to be 888, thanks to the variation of live croupier games, payment options and high payout percentage.

🇺🇸 I live in the US. Can I play roulette for real money?

Sure you can. There are plenty of offshore companies that accept US players. Like this one, for example. Just make sure you only play at our list of the best online roulette casinos. There are plenty of shady operators out there, so GPWA approved portals like our site help out with guidance in this respect.

❓ What’s the Best Roulette Strategy for a Beginner?

Different bets on a roulette wheel come with different chances of winning. Obviously, the long shots will come in far less often, but you stand to win a lot of money when they do. Picking a single number will see you get 35 times your bet back, but you have to be pretty lucky to guess right. Depending on your bankroll it might be long gone before you ever win. A safer place to start for new players is one of the bets where you have a high chance of winning a smaller payout, such as picking red or black, or choosing whether the ball will land on an odd or even number.

❓ I Saw a Roulette Betting System Online. Should I Buy it?

Absolutely not. All of these systems are scams and simply don’t work. The game of roulette is based on basic mathematics, and no trick you perform can change that. Don’t believe the sales pitch – The house always has a slight edge and no system can overcome it. You just have to rely on luck!.

❓ How can I withdraw my winnings if I get lucky?

Most sites have a huge range of withdrawal options from bank transfer to e-Wallet to posted cheques. In the US you’ll often be limited to withdrawing by cheque, although things will likely loosen up over time.