What Is Pachinko

Many pachinko shops put up posters of a wide-eyed child saying, 'Mom, don't forget about me.' Currently, most pachinko parlors have signs reading 'No children allowed', but one wonders what the children are doing while mom is busy spending (usually) salaryman dad's wages. Pachinko is an equal opportunity vice.

Vintage pachinko machines for sale

Pachinko Balls

Pachinko itself is a Japanese version of pinball and while pachinko parlours become the family business later in the novel, it also stands as a metaphor for the lives they lead. This article relates to Pachinko 'If you are a rich Korean, there's a pachinko parlor in your background somewhere,' Min Jin Lee writes in her novel Pachinko.Several of her Korean characters end up working in pachinko parlors, despite their differing levels of education and their previous experience.

How many Pachinko balls do I need for my machine? A minimum of 250 but we recommend 500 to 1,000 so you won’t need to refill the supply tray as often.

Where can I get Pachinko balls? You can buy them on eBay, or from companies like VintagePachinko.com or Slot-Pachinko.com.

What are the specifications of a Pachinko ball? They are 11 mm in diameter and weigh approximately 5.75 grams. The majority are chrome plated but some are gold/brass plated.

Do the gold balls mean anything? Not really. The pachinko machine doesn’t know the difference in a gold ball or chrome ball. Adding a few gold balls to your machine just adds a little excitement. “Oh! I won a gold ball!”

Why do some Pachinko balls have writing and some don’t? Authentic Pachinko balls are engraved to identify the Pachinko parlor they are from. Some companies have manufactured balls without writing to be used in Pachinko machines. They both work the same. This link will take you to a website where you can see how authentic pachinko balls are made.

Do I need to clean my Pachinko balls? Yes, because the oil from your hands gets transferred to the pachinko balls, and the oil will attract dust and then deposit it throughout the pachinko machine. These deposits can interfere with the normal operation of your machine. Depending on how often you play, clean your pachinko balls once a month or every few months.

How do I clean my Pachinko balls? There are many different options; the key is to make sure the balls are dry if you use a liquid so the balls don’t rust. We use a large rock tumbler or vibration tumbler with crushed walnut shells from a pet store. Turn it on and let it run for 12 to 24 hours. Others take a large bowl, put one of the following mixtures in, add balls and swirl them around, then lay the balls on a towel and dry them really well. Hot soapy water. Vinegar. CLR and hot water.

How do I get the rust off the Pachinko balls? Surface rust can be removed with various rust removal products. If the rust is severe and won’t come off, throw them away. Caution: test any chemicals on a few balls first. You can buy products from your local hardware store or online at http://www.theruststore.com. We use a large rock tumbler or vibration tumbler with crushed walnut shells from a pet store that cleans the balls and removes surface rust.

What if my Pachinko balls are pitted or have cracks in them? Throw them away. If the surface of the ball isn’t smooth, get rid of it. If rust has eaten into the ball and made it rough or if there is a crack in the ball, it could scratch your playfield or cause other damage.

How do I store the Pachinko balls? Clean the pachinko balls first then seal them in a container and store them at room temperature. Put one of those packages you get with electronics to absorb moisture in the container as well.

Pachinko Ball Bucket

What should I use for a Pachinko ball bucket? Just about anything will work. Check your grocery store for plastic storage containers similar to the ‘GladWare Containers’ or make your own out of anything you have around the house.

Here are the specifications for the original pachinko ball buckets from the 1970s. They came in two primary sizes and many different colors.

What Is Pachinko About

Large Pachinko Ball Bucket (green picture below)

What Is Pachinko Parlor

  • Holds approximately 750 balls
  • Top = 9 inches by 4 inches
  • Bottom = 7.5 inches by 3 inches
  • Height = 2.5 inches

Medium Pachinko Ball Bucket (blue picture below)

  • Holds approximately 400 balls
  • Top = 6.25 inches by 3.5 inches
  • Bottom = 4.75 inches by 2.5 inches
  • Height = 2.5 inches

Pachinko Ball Lifters

What is a Pachinko ball lifter? It is a device with a motor that will automatically refill the supply tray when it runs low. This is nice if you mount your machine to the wall so you don’t have to get into the back.

How does a Pachinko ball lifter work? You mount the motor (big orange box) below the won ball and lost ball outlets on the back of your machine. You place the paddle in the supply tray. Position the long tube so that it will empty balls into the supply tray. Plug in the lifter. When there aren’t enough balls on the paddle in the supply tray, the motor will turn on and fill the supply tray.

Where can I buy a Pachinko ball lifter? At this time there isn’t any company that sells them. occasionally you will see a used pachinko ball lifter on eBay. Here are some pictures of a pachinko ball lifter.

What is Pachinko?

Pachinko is the place where you can gain all kinds of items, avatars, every haremette available in the game or girl attraction shards. If you want to try your luck, you need to have Kobans or Orbs. Only the Great Pachinko requires Ymen. You always win awards when playing the Pachinko.

What are the different Pachinko types?

Event Pachinko

  • Provides event-exclusive rewards
  • 4 games = High chance for 1 Event Girl or 1 Event Avatar (if any) and guarantees 3 Legendary Items.
    • Price: 1,800 Kobans (300 Kobans in Harem Heroes)/ 4 Purple Pachinko Orbs

Epic Pachinko

  • Exclusive girls & Legendary Items
  • 1 game = A chance for 1 Girl or 1 Epic/Legendary Item
    • Price: 540 Kobans (90 Kobans in Harem Heroes)/Red Pachinko Orb
  • 10 games = Guarantees 1 Girl and 9 Items including 3 Legendary Items
    • Price: 5,400 Kobans (900 Kobans inHarem Heroes)/ 10 Red Pachinko Orbs
  • Draft = Guarantees 1 Girl letting you choose between two Girls.
    • Price: 6,000 Kobans (1,000 in Harem Heroes)/ Special Red Pachinko Orb

Mythic Pachinko

  • Ultra exclusive girls for a limited time
  • 1 game = Gives a chance for 1 Girl or 1 Legendary Item or Avatar.
    • Price: 150 Kobans (25 Kobans in Harem Heroes)/ Orange Pachinko Orb
  • 3 games = Gives 10 Attraction shards and 2 Legendary Items or Avatars.
    • Price: 840 Kobans (140 Kobans in Harem Heroes)/ 3 Orange Pachinko Orbs
  • 6 games = Gives 25 Attraction Shards and 5 Legendary Items or Avatars.
    • Price: 1,980 Kobans (330 Kobans in Harem Heroes)/ 6 Orange Pachinko Orbs
  • You get 1 Free game every 48h. The pool of 3 girls changes every 48 hours, except when there is an exclusive event and the change is every 12 hours.
  • All the girls from past events are there, including Girls from Legendary Events, girl rewards for completing event missions and Pachinko girls.

What Is Pachinko In Japan

Great Pachinko

What Is Pachinko Parlor

  • Wide selection of rare items
  • 1 game = 1 Item with a chance of it being Legendary.
  • 10 games = guarantees 10 Items including 1 Legendary Equipment.
What Is Pachinko
  • You get a free game every 24 hours.
  • The Great Pachinko costs
    • / Ymen and increases gradually depending on the level of the player.

    I won a Girl from the Pachinko but I can’t find her in my Harem. Where is she?

    In this case, it is most likely that you have won an avatar.Go to your profile page, click on the pencil in the bottom right and go to the avatar tab. You will see the girl avatar there.

    I played Pachinko but instead of a girl I got an item. Why?

    Every game guarantees an award, but it’s not always a Girl. The Pachinko game you played gives you a chance to win but does not guarantee a girl. But the item will help you get ahead in the game and improve your Harem.

    I’ve rolled x1000 Event Pachinko, but I didn’t get a girl! Why?

    The price for a guaranteed Event Girl would be too high in Kobans to be attractive for players so we leave it to chance. Event Pachinko includes powerful Legendary items and gifts for your girls which you can use to boost your ego and make your team more powerful!

    Why can’t I play the Mythic Pаchinko?

    If the button of the Mythic Pachinko is inactive, it means that you already have all the girls from the pool in your Harem. Good job! Check for new girls in 48 hours.

    What happens if I win more shards than I need to attract a girl?

    The difference in Affection shards is transformed into Affection items.

    You can find out more about the Pachinko Orbs here.