Robs Vegas Poker Blog

  1. Get RobFarha's brand new kindle ebook 'Four Mistakes That Cost You Thousands In Live Poker' Respected member of 2+2, RobFarha.
  2. Update April 28, 2020 On this website I have multiple pages and many articles and videos about video poker player Rob Singer. These articles and videos cover a period of about ten years. While I never endorsed his casino play and activities I believed what he told me - that over a period of ten years he beat the casinos for more than a million.

Jan 07, 2017 trying to be a poker player. Rob’s Vegas and Poker Blog: The Tournament Rake. Bryfaeglz January 7, 2017 Uncategorized. Post navigation.

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He robbed a singer in a drug deal gone bad.

I have no interest in the man, just the origin of his pen name. I've heard from multiple people it was a dig at Mr. Dancer( which shockingly isn't his real name either), but the timing seems off.

Singer has actually said himself many times that his pen name was meant as a Dancer dig.
'You can't breathe dead hippo waking, sleeping, and eating, and at the same time keep your precarious grip on existence.'

Singer has actually said himself many times that his pen name was meant as a Dancer dig.

Vegas Poker Games

And we know he would never tell a lie. I'm just surprised he was using this alias so long. I didn't get into gambling until 1999 and didn't go to Vegas until September 2001. I'm not sure when I first heard of Bob Dancer.
Rob Sunger has never provided proof of anything. Finally he says he will provide proof that he owns a mega RV, which he purportedly won with the profits of the Double Up Bug which he claims he found first.
Will he make good and prove ownership of the RV which is supposed to back up his claims regarding the DUB, or will he come up with another 'out' or excuse?
Why do I care? Because for years I put my reputation on the line supporting his claims; I gave him a huge public platform to make his claims. But he never provided proof. I regret he deceived me.
Now it's time for him to finally prove his claims. Ownership of the RV will go a long way.
For months he said the proof would come in October. I'm not going to miss the unveiling.

He robbed a singer in a drug deal gone bad.

Or maybe he did a lot of sewing.
'You can't breathe dead hippo waking, sleeping, and eating, and at the same time keep your precarious grip on existence.'

Rob Sunger has never provided proof of anything. Finally he says he will provide proof that he owns a mega RV, which he purportedly won with the profits of the Double Up Bug which he claims he found first.

Robs Vegas Poker Blog
Come on now Alan....did you miss the Photos of Rob posing in the RV? If you 15 of this very thread. Now of course that is if you just ignore that the RV he posed in was located at Arizona Luxury Coach dealership, just a few miles from Rob's home. lol
And if that wasn't enough for you, what about the 'bill of sale' maybe even more amateurish, copied from the internet with no company letterhead or logo, supposedly from a company that was bankrupt and closed at the time. These pieces of proof not good enough for you?
Quote: AlanMendelson

Why do I care? Because for years I put my reputation on the line supporting his claims; I gave him a huge public platform to make his claims. But he never provided proof. I regret he deceived me.

If I can be serious for a moment, Alan, why did you buy into Rob's claims and phony stories. Was it maybe because, as a -EV player, you wanted to believe some of these voodoo strategies that defy math?
I always say these kind of guys, conmen if you will, can't pull off their con without some enablers, In this case Alan was one of those enablers for years, providing credibility that Rob needed. I give Alan credit for now realizing that. Better late than never.

If I can be serious for a moment, Alan, why did you buy into Rob's claims and phony stories.

For years I read his articles and I put my trust in the editorial process. In other words, I believed Gaming Today must have verified his reports.
But what I believed was that a high limit player won about 100k a year. Rob told me he was a $25/coin VP player. Frankly it's easy to believe someone could make a profit of $100k playing VP at $125 per push.
Remember I hit three $100k royals in about a year. If not for craps I too would have had $100k profit in a year. (Those days are over now.)
When the red flag went up for me is when Rob and I had breakfast at Red Rock and he claimed HE discovered the DUB. I said to myself 'dont do this Rob.' And then instead of winning $100k per year he claimed untold wealth and winnings.
That's when I realized he never proved anything and his claims got bigger and bigger.
It's time for proof.
You can walk away from Rob Singer and be none the wiser.

That's when I realized he never proved anything and his claims got bigger and bigger.
It's time for proof.

Here is the thing about proof, IMO. These are anonymous message boards. Even if someone chooses to use their real name, no one is on trial and should be expected to prove anything. Even those of us that use a 'handle', many people, especially the longer term members of the forums know a real name (stupidity on my part).
I have made claims involving amounts won and lost for years. Being that I am not all that smart, and could add little to math related discussions that would benefit anyone, I decided early on that I would share my journey, as a low and later mid-level card counter trying to earn a living through card counting. There was no way I was going to be able to do that without using actual dollar amounts, involving wins losses, both on a daily playing basis (fluctuation and win losing periods) and annual results. Transferring numbers to generic 'units' would have meant nothing and benefited no one as far as expectation of what to expect. So I used actual numbers and have taken a lot of flack over the years for it.

Rob's Vegas Poker Blog Tournaments

Other players share different numbers for different reasons. And here is the thing about doing that. THE MATH HAS TO AT LEAST WORK! That is the low bar hurdle.

Poker In Las Vegas

Someone claiming to make 100k playing blackjack playing $5 table limits...the math doesn't work.
Likewise, someone claiming 100k winnings from video poker year after year playing negative EV games....the math doesn't work. Sure it is possible to hit a big jackpot or may 2 or 3 for a year, that would allow a player to win for that year playing -EV (short term), but to claim that year after unrealistic.
Now still, no one is required to prove anything. Members of forums can decide for themselves. I am sure you have heard me say 'it doesn't take that much to figure out who knows what they are talking about and who is just talking'. If you combine that will the low bar hurdle of does the math work and it shouldn't be hard to figure out who is legit and who is in fantasyland.

Robs Poker Vegas Blog

Now Rob is a special case. He has been relentless with his troll (that is what I call this decades long fantasy claims) of the gambling community. Claim after claim, fail to even meet that low bar of the math working. Every single claim defies that mathematics.
And then he escalated with the double up bug. At some point, he read the Kane / Nestor double up bug story, probably the wired article, which is the most referenced version, and simply stole that story for his own, claiming he found and played that double up bug for 5 years prior to Kane / Nestor getting busted. I mean THAT is one hell of a claim. That is brinks heist type claim. It is not unreasonable to ask for some kind of supporting evidence. 2 different forum owners / administrators even asked for something to verify this claim.
And of course that led to the staged pictures inside a RV for sale at a dealership and the phony bill of sales, with no letterhead in which the signatures of the salesman and buyer are in the same handwriting. I mean that is closed. Whatever scheme Rob has planned for next month, in which he is going to show off a high end RV to anyone interested, is just more baloney. Maybe it is a friends or he is renting an RV next month for whatever reason, but it doesn't matter. The guy has already struck out. People gave him 5 or 6 strikes and he whiffed on each. Now he wants another. LOL.
Alan, you should really let this go now. I know you feel duped, but you have explained your role in providing Rob the platform that he needed and now recognize that you were duped. You also played a role, in exposing him, by revealing things he said to you. In the end, mostly he exposed himself as these clowns always do, but it is done now.
I don't think there is anything Rob could do that would make anyone believe his nonsense. Oh sure there are a few people on the fantasy forum, that support him and his claims. They don't REALLY believe him, they just think it is funny to see him continue on with his alternate reality nonsense. Not a single person in the universe really believes that guy any more. So just let that be good enough for you and let it go, Alan.